Positive Behaviour Support

Acknowledging Expected Behaviour and Good Standing (Positive Behaviour Support)

In 2011, Allendale Primary School began its journey to become a Positive Behaviour Support or PBS school. PBS is a school wide framework aimed at improving the academic and behavioural outcomes of all students, working to establish a climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm. This occurs through the use of proactive strategies and the explicit teaching of behavioural expectations.

In consultation with staff, parents, caregivers, students and community members, Allendale Primary agreed on four core behavioural expectations that described what positive behaviour should look like in our school. Our PBS expectations at Allendale Primary School are:

Respect – show respect to self, staff, students and property.

Courtesy – show thoughtfulness and care to everyone in our school.

Honesty – Always tell the truth.

Responsibility – Take responsibility for your actions, words and behaviours.

The Allendale Primary PBS team used these core behavioural expectations to develop a PBS Matrix that clearly explains what each of these expectations mean in different areas of the school grounds. Teachers then use the PBS Matrix and to teach these concepts to the students.

The positive language used in the matrix is embedded into our school culture through teaching and learning programs, morning messages, assemblies and visuals displayed throughout the school. Allendale Primary School teachers acknowledge positive student behaviour in the classroom and playground by awarding Allendale Allstar tokens that are collected fortnightly. A draw is conducted at the whole school assembly from this collection and students are acknowledged for their positive behaviour in front of the entire school.

Good Standing

It is every student’s responsibility to maintain their good standing in our school by following school routines and adhering to our high behavioural exceptions. Serious or repeated breaches of these expectations may result in a student losing their good standing. Students who lose their good standing are not eligible for the bi-termly good standing rewards days and may risk inclusion in excursions, incursions or other extra curricular activities. 

Good standing periods are 5 weeks in length. Students who lose their good standing will regain this status at the conclusion of the 5 week period. Our school goal is for 98% of students to maintain their good standing over every 5 week period.