School Hours

Classrooms at Allendale Primary are opened at 8.30am by the class room teacher. Students arriving before this time must follow the before school procedure which involves sitting in the undercover area outside the school canteen until they are released by duty staff.

We ask that students do not arrive at school prior to 8.15 am, no supervision of students can be provided before this time. Please see our Positive Behaviour Support procedures  for more information regarding school procedures and expectations. 

8.15amGates open
8.30amClass open
8.38amFirst siren
8.40amClass begins
10.30am – 10.50amRecess Kindergarten 
10.50am – 11.20amRecess Pre Primary 
11.00am – 11.25amRecess Primary Years 1 – 6 
12.50pm – 1.40pmLunch  Kindergarten & Pre Primary
1.25pm – 2.00pmLunch  Primary Years 1 – 6 
3.00pmSchool finishes
Kindy Group Timetable Term 2, Term 3, Term 4

Students who have not been collected by 3.05pm will be directed to sit under the tree adjacent to the front office where supervision will be provided.

Students must be collected by 3.20pm

Picking students up during school hours

Students can only leave the school during lesson times for unavoidable appointments.  Anyone picking a student up must sign them out at the office first and take an authorisation slip to the teacher.  No students can be released from class without this authorisation slip.

Bus Service

Geraldton Bus Services provide some opportunities for students to travel to and from school via bus. Students who catch the bus after school are to meet when they are released from class at the bottom of the stairs near the art room. A staff member in a high visible vest will meet students and ensure they board the bus safely. Please click here for further information.